A Brief Current Events Statement

October 15, 2023

What can be said in such devastating times as these? There is so much to say, and yet none of it will do anything to alleviate the suffering. It's taken me days of processing to even feel capable of speaking. Even still, the anger, horror and sadness that I personally feel as an onlooker will never compare to many others who are more closely tied to the ethnic groups and nations involved. I've been doing my best to make sense of it all, but am still not the most qualified to speak, so it's entirely possible I will say something wrong; but since I have this platform I feel the responsibility to say something. I must do my best to speak what I believe to be the truth.

My heart goes out to all victims and their loved ones. This does include innocent people who happen to live in Israel. I understand that not everyone in Israel (or for that matter, the Jewish community at large) supports the actions of their government, just as I often don't support the actions of my own. I also understand that not everyone in Palestine (or the Muslim community at large) supports Hamas. I certainly do not. It is important to condemn terrorism, hatred, racism, and senseless violence no matter who is perpetrating it. As a Muslim, and even prior to becoming Muslim, I have always felt such a strong kinship with my Jewish siblings, and I STRONGLY condemn any anti-Jewish sentiment, discrimination or violence. I am not trying to minimize anyone's suffering and I will always speak out against anti-Semitism.

At the same time, I will not act like the state of Israel is a victim. It has been very disheartening watching people post "I stand with Israel" statements and images, knowing that Israel as a nation-state has ALL of the power in its "fight" against the occupied Palestine, and has been committing human rights violations against Palestinians for decades. As soon as there is any retaliation, they play the victim in spite of victimizing others for so long. And people actually believe them. I try to believe that many of these people are simply uninformed about Israel's atrocities because of the extreme media bias in their favor, and are merely expressing their sympathy for innocent lives lost; but they are wording it in a way that this isn't what they're actually saying. Intentionally or unintentionally, they are voicing their support for an oppressive regime.

Imagine if everyone had reacted this way in voicing their support for Russia over Ukraine. I can't claim to be an expert in all the ins and outs of these two wars, but there seem to be a lot of similarities -- and a lot of hypocrisy and double standards.

The Israeli government and Hamas are BOTH terrorist organizations in my mind. But I also hope it's clear that I am not trying to "both sides" my way out of having an opinion. My opinion is pretty firm despite being able to sympathize with the innocents of both nations.

While I hate that Hamas exists, we also cannot act like Israel itself did not have a role in its creation. Israel has been committing apartheid against Palestine, oppressing Palestinians, refusing them freedom, treating them like animals, committing war crimes, and as my veteran friends say, violating the Geneva Conventions... for decades. I feel awful for any innocent Israelis who have died and suffered, but I refuse to say "I stand with Israel." The blood of Israeli citizens is at least partially on their own government's hands -- along with the blood of countless oppressed Palestinians, both in the past and present. None of this would even be happening if Palestine was free.

The majority of Muslims and Jews around the world -- as well as those who ethnically and religiously fall into BOTH categories -- share a common goal of love and peace for everyone. We are not now, nor have we ever been, enemies. Unfortunately this is a viewpoint that is clearly not shared by the Israeli government or Hamas, who are trying (and unfortunately in many cases, succeeding) to turn these two groups against each other for their own gain. And it is always for their own gain.

I have always said that the only 'us vs. them' I believe in is the people vs. the establishment. And the government of Israel is about as close to the establishment as you can get. Those in power will never allow there to be peace, despite it being what the majority of the people want, and it's always the innocent people who suffer for their greed. Make no mistake, Israel is using their perceived victimhood as an excuse to attempt wiping out all of Palestine -- with the rest of the world's approval.

I stand for human rights and AGAINST genocide. I stand with Palestine. I stand with the peaceful Jewish community, and innocent Israelis who want liberation for their neighbors and could not help being born into an oppressive regime, but I do not and will not stand with the regime itself. I stand with the people and do my best to condemn the oppressors.

I do want the violence to end and for peace to prevail, but it must be a peace that is ALSO without oppression. Peace between two groups is not real if one of those groups is not free. I pray that Palestine will be liberated, that there will be justice, and that no more innocent people will have to suffer or die.

But for that to happen, the Israeli government has to go.

tags: palestine, israel